Companies (Incorporation) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2021 Substitutes E-Form No.Inc-35 With Form No. Inc–35 | Agile-Pro-S Pursuant To Rule 38A Of The Companies (Incorporation) Rules 2014

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has vide its notification dated 07.06.2021 released the Companies (Incorporation) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2021 in order to further amend the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 and has made amendments in e-Form AGILE PRO. The purpose of this amendment is to add the facility of obtaining Shops and Establishment Registration in the e-Form AGILE-PRO Form and consequently the existing form is replaced by “AGILE-PRO-S”. The Company can now avail registration in Shops and Establishment also with filing of AGILE-PRO-S.